The Williams side of the family is awfully large since my grandmother had 7 brothers and sisters and then each of them had at least 2-3 kids a piece and so on and so forth. So, needless to say it's a pretty big family reunion when we all get together at Holiday Island, Arkansas. But, because Kyle and I will be in New Orleans and Baton Rouge this week for a campus tour, looking for a place to live and a second round job interview for Kyle - we won't be able to make it. I am soooo bummed about not going. I have loved going since I went on my first one the summer I turned 8. They were a blast each time for different reasons given my age and I love seeing family and my cousins as we all age. I told myself I would never miss a family reunion because I think they're so important and the fact that we can get that many people together is pretty rare for families these days.
So, I didn't take many pictures at all because I just realize I get so caught up in what I'm doing and excited about doing it that I forget to capture it. I did take a couple that I wanted to share with you. I got in Wednesday evening and my best friend Lacie picked me up. It was pretty late when I got in so we just went to her house and got in our jammies, stayed up for an hour or so talking and then went to sleep. Lace and I met during sorority recruitment our freshman year of college, and despite our many many differences it is our core values and respect for one another that bond us together.Thursday morning we woke up and discussed what we wanted for breakfast. I said donuts and asked Lace to find just some "whole in the wall-type of place around here". She whipped out her smartphone, spoke a few voice commands and voila, it pulls up The Donut Whole how funny right?

The rest of the trip I spent time with my family. My dad picked me up and we went to go check out a house he needed to do a repair on. Two hours later he had it fixed, I was bored to death but we were on our way home. Though I do know where I get my diligence and work ethic from. My dad will not give up until he's got it figured out! I stayed with my grandma the next three nights and Friday morning when I woke up she knocked on my door and asked me what kind of donuts I liked. I thought, "Oh lord, should I really have donuts aaagain?" Well I mean, what can a girl do? Say "no" to her grandma that she hasn't seen in six months when you know she just wants to take care of you like she used to. Of course I said Blueberry and 20 mins later she returns. Gosh I love that lady. Friday night I had dinner with my brother and his girlfriend Patrice, whom I absolutely ADORE. She is so wonderful, caring and smart. We get a long fabulously and I hope she'll be my sister-in-law some day soon. I also met her sister that I liked really well, too. Saturday my mom, grandma, Aunt Kim and I drove my grandmother to Bartlesville to meet my Aunt Julie for the hand off of my grandma for the week and we all had lunch along with my cousin Kala and Uncle Bob. So, I got to see a good portion of my immediate family and felt content leaving on Sunday but still very sad that I was going to miss the rest and have to wait another two years before I see them. Well, I'll just count this one towards the very few I intend to miss in the future. I can't wait to have and take my own kids someday.
Well, I'm off to New Orleans and Baton Rouge on Wednesday. Wish me luck. I'll have pix to share with you all after I get back. I PROMISE!
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