Nov 21, 2011

This time last year... I bombed the sh!% out of the GRE

It's nearly Thanksgiving and as with most people around this time of year I got to thinking, after reading so many other friends of mine blogs, what I was thankful for. I'll tell you, at first it was pretty darn difficult since I recently broke my foot and I've been hobbling around my house and around campus and let me tell ya'll IT IS TOUGH AND EXHAUSTING.

Then I realized this time last year I BOMBED THE SHIT (I left the full spelling out of the blog post title for censorship reasons) out of the GRE. I was not all that thankful at that time either but our trip to Gulf Shores for the TG holiday with Kyle's family allowed me to forget how badly I'd done.

I am not a good standardized test taker. I have always excelled far better in application, which is why when I applied to LSU and they required a minimum undergrad gpa, writing samples, resume, teaching experience, admissions essay, etc. I did not think they would reject me solely on my GRE score. WRONG! But, I persevered and did not accept that generic e-mail generated rejection letter as the final say. And here I am one year later about to conclude my first semester in an exceptional mass communication program and most likely make the required 3.0 gpa and continue on to the spring semester.

So, I am thankful to the people that helped me get here. Helped me move closer to family and helped me earn my way back to the land I fell in love with more than five years ago.

First, my husband. It's still odd for me to call Kyle that. Though I think it does sound more hip than "wife." Kyle knew I had an aspiration and we both had a dream of moving back to Louisiana and calling this place our permanent home. I told him I wanted to go to grad school at LSU and he said, "ok, let's do it." That was it for him, and for the next year we saved every bit of $ we could to prepare ourselves for the life we wanted here and we never looked back. He loves me like no one ever could and truly would do whatever to make me happy. That kind of love ladies and gents is the one I hope you all can experience some day.

Second, thank you to my father. I learned my perseverance from him. He NEVER EVER GAVE UP ON ANYTHING he put his mind to. He cursed his way through it, but he always found a way.

My mother, for her unwavering belief and infallible love that reassured me my decisions were the right ones and I could do anything.

Those that wrote me reference letters and helped me with my application. They believed in me. My boss from the Jacksonville Public Library, Kathy and my colleague Orin, my mentor Tim, and my most admired professor from K-State, Olivia. They knew I wanted this and I had the drive to get myself here.

These are the people that helped make it happen. I am forever grateful and indebted to them.

I am also thankful for this stupid foot injury which helped me put things into perspective and gave me a whole new appreciation for those that have physical challenges they live with daily. I'm whining about my broken foot that will mend in less than two months and people live with permanent physical challenges for their entire lives. I'll stop my bitchin'.

I hope you all can find things you are thankful for despite your present challenges. Keep you chin up!

1 comment:

  1. Well, you shouldn't even sweat your GRE score considering that I did pretty well on my GRE and am now clawing and scratching my way for every single point in each of my grad classes. Besides, i doubt you did that poorly. No one who knows the word "pergola" can bomb the GRE.
