Oct 5, 2012

Applause or Appall? AMC gets a standing ovation!

I know I posted about the Nike ad just a couple of days ago, but this Applause or Appall post opportunity was just too good for me to wait any longer to write about.

AMC theaters, particularly its Digital Marketing Manager, Shane Adams, deserves a big round of applause for defending (or I guess I should say standing up for) the AMC Theatres brand in a recent Tweet exchange between @AMCTheatres and @Oreo.

First, embodying a brand in social media is not an easy task. Think about it. You have your own personality and characteristics that make you, well, YOU. So, what if you aren't exactly like your brand? That doesn't mean you're not right for the job or the company, because companies certainly don't hire all the same people. But that does mean that it is VERY important to understand the brand you work for; Its true essence and the attributes that make it unique.

Shane understands the AMC brand and it shines brightly through its social media.

Here's how it went down.

On September 25

AMC has a strict no outside food policy, as do most other entertainment venues. So, Shane, understanding his brand's essence and embodying its personality and voice, decided to have a some good ol' fun with the cookie. 

UH OH! The cookie just got called out! Not only did it get called out but 500 RTs and MTs combined later, a front page mention on Adweek's blog "Oreo gets dunked by one of the best Twitter replies ever,"and a response from Oreo, see below, @AMCTheatres just skyrocketed its way up the Twitter food chain. All because, well, Shane knows his brand and understands social media. 

So, Shane could have left it at that. Buuuut, one more response couldn't hurt, right? And there you have it folks. Yes, those are Oreos on his eyes. HILARIOUS. I couldn't stop laughing. And, after that, @ShaneAdams, @AMCtheatres and @Oreo got my follow. 

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