Jul 18, 2012

Shop local and save America's small businesses: the 3/50 project

I've become a huge proponent of supporting local businesses during the last several years and I will go just about any lengths to support a local business over a huge corporation. 

I wanted to tell you just how easy it is support your local economy. I came across something remarkable during my last trip to Biloxi that put it all into perspective. 

As I visited the quaint shops of Ocean Springs, (just 10 miles East of Biloxi) I noticed this sign in one of the dressing rooms. 

This letter-sized sheet of paper wasn’t blaring in my face with eye-squinting colors or oversized and over-bolded text; what caught my eye was its location (at eye level) and its simple graphics and easy-to-read layout. Certainly an indication of someone with graphic design and copy writing experience that knows people don’t have time, nor want to read a lengthy article particularly in a dressing room.

I began reading.

The premise: Pick 3 local businesses you like, frequent them and spend your money there instead of some large conglomerate.

Cindy Baxter (retail consultant) started this project after fueled by an online post she came across following some media hoopla about the economy, spending practices and another successful small business experiment story shared by a friend. Read the full story here.

In this post, Baxter told her readers she’d whip up a window banner for them to display in their shops that laid out the concept. I looked up Baxter’s contact info and the number registered in Minneapolis. Recall, I read this sign in a shop in Mississippi. I’d say that’s quite a reach.

And, to my surprise, during my visit to my hometown in KS this past week I came across this very same sign in the coffee shop I used to work out during summer and holiday breaks while I attended Kansas state. Here's a pic of my wonderful and beautiful mother enjoying some delightful coffee and homemade baked goods. 

I make one last plea to you to support small businesses before the character and the very foundation of entrepreneurship the country was founded on is gone for good. 

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