Dec 15, 2013

A few of my favorite things

November and December are just flat out crazy months for us. Kyle and I were out of town for at least an overnighter every weekend in November, and December is turning out the same. That doesn't leave me a lot of time to just sit for 30 mins and let my creativity flow, so I can share with you all the going ons in our lives lately.

Kyle and I went to San Francisco for a vacation the first week of November. WOW. IT. WAS FUN. Perhaps more so because it was a our first, yes, FIRST vacation together in our nearly 8 years as a couple that wasn't within driving distance and over a couple of nights. In the course of six years, I have lived in four states, we've paid for our wedding, I went to grad school for two years, and we've forked over a lot of money on moving. That doesn't leave a whole lot of extra moolah for, well, anything. But we finally decided to just do it, and I am so glad we did because we had the most spectacular time.

Here's a couple of pix from our trip and some of my other favorite things...
At Muir Woods. The scents were SPECTACULAR!
Biking over the Golden Gate Bridge. Probably the most fun thing we did. 
Half Moon Bay for the day.

Kyle and I love to get dressed up together and go out on the town. We went to his corporate Christmas party this weekend in New Orleans and had a great time.

And finally, I love putting together complete meals. Entree, drink and dessert. Here's one of my latest.  I called it Ritas, Thai and Apple pie.

Here are the recipes I used incase you're interested in replicating.
Apple pie:

Hope your holiday season is going well!

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