I have one more week of class and my assistantship before my two-year grad school journey comes to and end. May is going to be a very very busy month and I have several fun and exciting events to look forward to.
second weekend in May... I'm going to spend in Biloxi with Kyle and likely sign a lease to an apartment in this restored 1920s stucco house just across the street from the beach! We tried looking for a house to buy, but nothing felt right. I'll post pics of that after I visit. But here's a view from the house.
Can you just imagine waking up and seeing that view everyday and being
that close to the sand. Aaaah, I can just feel myself soaking up the sun now. |
third weekend in May... is GRADUATION! I can't believe it's actually happening... My parents and Aunt Julie are coming for the big day and then we're taking a trip to Orange Beach, AL to celebrate. Kyle and I will also be celebrating our third wedding anniversary as well. Lord, where has time gone?!
We had four days of absolute AMAZING weather. I can only hope that we will
have that same luck again so we can enjoy being outside together and relaxing. |
fourth weekend in May... is the Memorial holiday and a few friends from Kansas are flying into Nola with their husbands. I've not seen these girls in five years. That will be one crazy reunion. I will also get to spend some time with a couple grad school pals–Kristin, who is visiting from Washington, and Mia–before I make the move to Biloxi the following and final week of May.
This was from a white trash-themed party I had at my house in May 2012. |
I'm trying not to get too worked up about the big transition and many changes coming. The last week of May is going to entail A LOT of packing and the house in disarray as I get things ready to haul.
I'm starting to feel that bittersweet sense of nostalgia creeping up as this chapter in my life comes to a close. I want to stay positive and focus on all the entertainment coming up, but I can't help thinking of what I'm going to miss and what's ahead.
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